International Armoured Vehicle Conference (IAVC), Twickenham, London

22nd - 25th January 2024

Creating a safe and secure world, together

Babcock plays a critical role in international defence; a trusted guardian of national security, counted upon to protect lives and maintain our lines of defence. In a world of significant geopolitical instability, national security has never been more important as defence requirements become increasingly complex to deliver. Ensuring those critical services are readily available, affordable, and long-lasting is a vital task. And Babcock is built for that task. Now more than ever, what we do matters. Creating a safe and secure world, together. We are proud to be a strategic partner to the British Army, playing a vital role in supporting the defence of our nation. We are an extension of their operations on an international scale, enabling them and our allies to respond and perform wherever, whenever and however they need to. We work in partnership with our customers, committed to delivering end-to-end through life capability management and critical support in an agile and responsive way. We are the sole custodian of the Land support industrial base in the UK and are working with industry partners both in the UK and overseas to develop, ‘on-shore’, scale, and integrate technologies in support of the Land Industrial Strategy.

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Land Showreel

Babcock GLV

Babcock Lurcher

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